June 25, 2020 • ☕️ 3 min read
Hi, I’m Tomoya.
It’s been a while since I posted last time.
This time I’ll be writing about Powershell because I’ve been working on writing scripts with Powershell recently. It will be just a personal memo tho.
In terms of text editor, Powershell ISE is one of the best choices in general. However, I’ll use Visual Studio code because I’m used to it and able to do similar things on VS code too, with Powershell extension which works like IDE for Powershell.
File extension for Powershell is .ps1
. Let’s just execute hello_world.ps1
which just outputs “Hello world!“.
# hello_world.ps1
write-host Hello world!
You created the file, and run it on terminal with just file name.
# terminal
hello_world.ps1 (you can omit ps1)
# output
Hello world!
Powershell commands(commandlet)are basically consist of {Verb - Noun}.
And luckily Powershell commands have alias for Linux and MacOS commands as well so you can use something like ls
on Powershell.
Powershell | Linux、MacOS | What it does |
Get-Location | pwd | Get current directory’s path |
Set-Location/Push-Location/Pop-Location | cd | Change current directory |
New-Item | touch | Create a new file |
New-Item -Type Directory | mkdir | Create a new directory |
Get-ChildItem | ls | Show a list of files |
Remove-Item | rm | Remove a file or directory |
Copy-Item | cp | Copy a file or directory |
Move-Item | mv | フMove a file or directory |
Rename-Item | mv | Rename a file or directory |
Get-Content | cat/less | Show a content of a file |
To write more practical scripts, you need to understand and make use of complicated commands.
This command outputs a result of shell commands to another file.
for charset, -append
for appending to a remaining file)
"abcdefg" | Out-File sample.txt -encoding UTF8 -append
# If the path already defined, you can write a script like this too
$newFile = ‘c:\tmp\sample.txt’
"abcdefg" > $newFile
This command splits a remaining path and return a part of it.
for parent path -Leaf
for a path at tip)
Split-Path -Parent C:\Folder1\Folder2\FileA.txt
# output
Split-Path -Leaf C:\Folder1\Folder2\FileA.txt
# output
This shows a message window and return a value that users choose.
# You need to load Assembly
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
# Ask question here
$result = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("実行しますか?","確認","YesNo","Question","Button2")
# Show the result
If($result -eq "Yes"){
This command extracts a specific string based on regex(Regular Expression).
$sourceFile = ‘C:\tmp\source.txt’
$regex = ‘\b[A-Za-z0-9._%-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}\b’
select-string -Path $sourceFile -Pattern $regex -AllMatches -Encoding default
There’re more other commands which I would be using in near future so I’ll just add those commands here on this post…